The different types of bullying and how to solve it

 If you are wondering what bullying is, it can be defined as harming, intimidating or coercing someone. In other terms, it can also mean to perceive someone as vulnerable. We can usually see bullying in schools because bullying mostly happens with kids, but it can also happen in other stages of life. Even though it is less common, adults and even elders can be victims of bullying too.

Types of bullying:

Physical bullying, which manifests by kicking, punching, making others trip, etc.

Verbal bullying, which manifests by insults, teasing and can even lead to death threats.

Social bullying, is manifested when you leave someone out on purpose or by telling others not to be a certain person's friend, etc.

Cyberbullying, it manifests when someone, by the use of technology, sends abusive or hurtful texts or messages. It can be demeaning messages towards a specific person by one person or by a whole group.


If you want to know what bullying looks like, there is more than one way to answer. If someone is getting bullied through the internet or on social platforms or in other words, if you are being cyber bullied, you will get hurtful texts, you can also get excluded from certain online groups, chats or conversations. There can be nasty gossip or rumors about you that are not necessarily true, among others. If, on the other hand, you are being verbally bullied you will be a victim of insults, teasing and even maybe racist comments. The most common consequences of being bullied are that you can get hurt verbally or physically, you will receive a lot of insults and on many occasions you will feel left out or excluded.

Thankfully, there are the things that you can and should do if you're being bullied. If the bullying is very bad, if you are being bullied in your school or even if you are being cyber bullied, there are many things you can do. If it’s cyber bullying, you can avoid being on the internet (even if you want to), you should also delete all the accounts where you are experiencing bullying, but before deleting any account, I suggest you take a screenshot, that way you can share it with your parents or others and keep it as evidence. If you are experiencing any other type of bullying, it is important to know that you can always tell someone you trust like friends, parents, a teacher or a trusted adult. Finally, if you are feeling very sad or unsafe, always try to find help and it is best to find a trusted adult to help you manage the situation.

My recommendation for you if you are being bullied is to tell a trusted adult and not keep it a secret because the bullying can get worse every single day and by keeping it a secret it will just keep hurting you more and more. Another thing you should do is tell a teacher, the principal or your family, that way the bullies parents and your parents can discuss it and the problem will be solved way faster. My last recommendation is to try to stay calm and know that people are there for you and you are not alone.
